Ahad, 15 April 2012

Symbolic interaction:

The term 'symbolic ineractionism' involves, as its name implies, symbols and their use in language. By extension, communication is involved in this theory as language is used. This theory is more focused on one's social life, instead of society itself. According to this theory, humans can view everything from a  symbolic point of view, including ourselves. This entry will elaborate on the theory stated above as well as its examples.

In general, this theory consists of interacting with symbols and making use of them. Language is used as well in order to give said symbols meaning. The meaning is first created by one person and checking to see if others agree on its meaning. Whenever there is mutual understanding of the symbol between people, that is when the meaning is set. In a similar way, society forms as what can be considered social norms are given meaning.(1) We see our 'self' depending on a number of factors. This is achieved by use of language and playing our 'role' to reflect ourselves. The 'self' also depends on how one is viewed as others see him or her; the significant other, those close to them and the generalised other, groups of people.

An example of this can be illustrated with the  image(taken from Stophttp://www.printablesigns.net/category/traffic). As seen, this is a stop sign, often seen in road junctions. The colour red in this picture has a strong effect, giving a stern warning to the reader. Before it was red, the colour yellow was used from 1915 until the year 1954. The colour was used mainly for practical purposes, as a red sign in the dark was too difficult to view during that time due to technological limitations. The yellow colour was also likely to be used as it was a sign of caution. The change from yellow to red was to differentiate this sign with a warning sign, coloured yellow. It was also done to ensure familiarity with the existing red traffic signal which also had the 'stop' meaning.(3)

Another example would be about oil. Oil also has the name of 'black gold' due to its value. The 'gold' part is bacause of society generally associated with gold, often seen as a valuable material. Oil is used everywhere in the world as industries and economy which power the world use it as fuel making it valuable in both literal and figurative sense, hence the name. To emphasise this fact, wars have even been fought to seize the substance. It has in fact become normal in society to see or know oil being used, one way or another, from fuels to plastics. (4)


1.Changing Minds.(2002-2012). Symbolic Interaction Theory. Accesssed 15/4/2012 from http://changingminds.org/explanations/theories/symbolic_interaction.htm

2.Strykes, S., Borgatta, (2011-2012) Symbolic Interaction Theory. Accesed 15/4/2012 from http://edu.learnsoc.org/Chapters/3%20theories%20of%20sociology/17%20symbolic%20interaction%20theory.htm

3.Moneur, R.C. (15 Sept. 2010) Were STOP signs ever yellow? Accessed 15/4/2012 from http://www.trafficsign.us/yellowstop.html

4. Graham Rowe, D. (30 Apr 2008) Black gold. Accessed 15/4/2012 from the website http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2008/apr/30/energy.geology

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