Ahad, 15 April 2012

Genderlect theory:

Men and women have formed society and culture for a long time. This includes, but not limited to making relationships, communicating and forming society and culture. Interstingly,the fact that both genders have interacted with each other and have done the things previously stated, their ways of communicating are totally different from one another. This entry will elaborate more on this fact and the reasons why this occurs. It wil also elaborate on how to overcome the reasons which will be stated below.Note that the differences occur for men and women in general and is not to be confused with stereotypes.

One main reason for this difference is how their brains work. Men's brains prefer physical processes whereas female brains are more focused on the verbal ones. In this aspect, when a man and woman attempt to communicate to each other normally, it would be comparable to two sepeerate languages coming from either side of the conversation.(1)This, of course assumes that the parties are not attempting to accomodate towards each other.

In relevance to the fact above, the way that men and women think are also different. Men think in such a way that thay communicate only when it is needed. Men also tend to be more direct in their approach to communication, being straight-to-the-point. On the other hand, women tend to speak out everything verbally. They are more concerned with being heard and feeling understood instead of direct communication.(2)

 In order for men and women to communicate effectively, they need to accomodate for each other. One way is to analyse and understand the partner.(2) This helps the two parties understand each other more, anticipating what they would want. The other way is to try to communicate in a way that the other party can be comfortable with. This means that men would try to communicate in the way of the woman and vice versa.(3)


1.Cameron, D.(1 October 2007). What language Barrier? Accessed 15/4/2012 from http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2007/oct/01/gender.books

2.Sarnoff-Ross, C. (12 April 2012) Stylistic Differences Between the Way Men and Women Communicate. Accessed 15/4/2012 from the website http://www.dailystrength.org/health_blogs/cyndi/article/stylistic-differences-between-the-way-men-and-women-communicate

3.Krause, J.(8 December 2010) Communication breakdown between men and women in the workplace. UOPX Writer Network, College of Social Sciences, humanities articles. accessed 15/4/2012 from http://www.phoenix.edu/colleges_divisions/humanities/articles/2010/12/communication-breakdown-between-men-and-women-in-the-workplace.html

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